Who is this guy? And how do you pronounce his name?


First of all, say it like “en-ree-kay Koo-toe”

A true Renaissance man of independent cinema; Henrique Couto has been involved in all areas of filmmaking from an early age. 

Starting out working on his own TV programs on Cable Access at the age of 12, Couto then moved on to shooting his own backyard opuses before creating the feature film Marty Jenkins and the Vampire Bitches which lead to over twenty more directing stints on features running the gamut from horror (Babysitter Massacre, Scarewaves) to family entertainment (A Bulldog for Christmas), as well as comedy (Awkward Thanksgiving, Depression: the Movie), and even a western (Calamity Janes Revenge).

Couto has also served as Writer, Actor, Producer, and more, as well as hosting his own movie program, Popcorn Fodder, which is featured on Screambox

Along with that Henrique has released two albums, mentored burgeoning filmmakers, and is a snappy dresser.

You can call him brillant or bizarre but one things for sure, he’s always working. When asked about his work as a filmmaker he said “I don’t have a cool job, I am a cool job.”

Inquiries for hire as a director, producer, or director of photography can contact him directly at carniecouto [at] gmail.com

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